Gzim, an Albanian who saw no future at home, did what thousands before him had done: paid a smuggler, crossed the Channel and ...
A gang hid their sinister exploits by pretending to be a normal work crew, but they were splicing off electricity for ...
An Albanian gangster convicted of murder and terrorism offences is free to walk British streets whilst fighting deportation.
Multiple criminals were arrested for posing as maintenance workers and digging up roads to redirect power to a cannabis farm ...
Ross McGinn ran the company Elev8 with Andrew Roberts, splicing electricity from the national grid to power a network of drug ...
An Albanian gangster who killed a policeman is reportedly free to roam Britain's streets in yet another UK humans rights scandal. Mafia kingpin Maksim Cela, 59, is said to have argued it would be ...
Most were occupied by Albanian nationals, acting as gardeners, who said they had been trafficked to the UK. The gang used specialist equipment stolen to order by Colin White, 62, of Liverpool ...
Police eventually linked the gang to the cannabis farm after CCTV showed them arriving in a van bearing the company's logo ...
The decision to release an Albanian gangster convicted of murder and terrorism charges on bail while he fights deportation ...
Criminals used a registered utility company as cover to dig up the streets and supply electricity to cannabis farms on behalf of Albanian gangsters. Bosses Ross McGinn, from Merseyside ...
McGinn, 33 and of Midway Road in Huyton, was sentenced to five years and four months, while Andrew Roberts, 42 and of Bell ...