Bestselling author Dr. Ian Smith is back with a new book, "Eat Your Age." It's a guide of food, nutrients and recipes to help you feel younger, be happier and live longer. He talks about it on ...
BLOOM (TAMPA) – Celebrity doctor and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Ian Smith joined Gayle Guyardo ... to share groundbreaking insights from his latest book, “EAT YOUR AGE: Feel ...
Dr. Ian Smith sits down to discuss this year's flu season, which experts say has been hitting infants and children hard, and gives some insight into his book, " Eat Your Age: Feel Younger ...
Bestselling author and well-known TV doctor Ian Smith joins us in studio to share his latest book, Eat Your Age, a nutrition and lifestyle guide specific to each decade of adulthood.
From your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, health expert and nutritionist Dr. Ian Smith is back in the 'Houston Life' studio with healthy eating tips from his latest book 'Eat your Age.' ...
New York Times bestselling author Dr. Ian Smith and fitness and nutrition expert Joey Thurman have teamed up to create the new app, Fun Fitness Bros. Fun Fitness Bros teaches you how to exercise ...
When you get the main EAT YOUR AGE book and combine it with the recipes in this companion book, you will be equipped with all you need, to maximize and live your best life and find the happiness ...