Cameron Ragazzo, Joey Knapper and Blake Nettles of Troop 513 at St. Ambrose Parish in Brunswick completed their journey to the highest Boy Scout rank.
Troop 766 of Rancho Santa Fe recently welcomed Nicholas Kim as its newest Eagle Scout. The ceremony was held at Redeemer ...
The Helena City Council honored and recognized the city’s newest Eagle Scout at its regularly scheduled council meeting on ...
Keegan Parady, a member of Lackawanna District’s Troop 220, earned his Eagle Scout rank in January. For his project, the ...
Kyle Garrity, 16, of Boy Scout's America Troop 185 in Stratham, is completing his Eagle Scout project for the ...
MONTPELIER, Ohio (WTVG) - Johnathan Fritsch is an Eagle Scout aspiring to be a firefighter. He works for the Montpelier Fire Department and wanted to give back to them for his Eagle Scout Project.