then-Massachusetts Senator John Kerry took the stage and began his acceptance speech with a simple but powerful gesture to highlight his Vietnam War service. “I’m John Kerry,” he told the ...
It animates me still today. It was the feeling of coming home from a war knowing politicians were mouthing words about a conflict that looked completely different from the one they’d sent us to ...
Shrum was a strategist on John Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004 when a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, made up of Vietnam War veterans, questioned his military record ...
At the state luncheon, Biden said he missed McCain. He praised McCain and John Kerry, another Vietnam War veteran and former Democratic senator, secretary of state in the Obama administration ...
McCain, a military hawk, forever remained a staunch supporter of the Vietnam War, during which 58,000 Americans and nearly 3 million Vietnamese were killed. But he worked closely with John Kerry ...