NORTH DAKOTA (KXNET) — This week saw the transfer of power from Joe Biden to Donald Trump, and with it, many things quickly changed about the shape of our country. One thing we saw lots of this ...
When President Ford pardoned President Nixon, he gave a nine-minute address to the American people. "Difficult decisions always come to this desk," Ford said at the time. "Someone must write the end.
How this unfettered clemency power came to be written into our Constitution and how, in spite of frequent abuse, it seems ...
He pledged a new era of openness in the wake of the Watergate scandal, but his relationship with the press corps proved rocky ...
After all, it's worth remembering that in the wake of Gerald Ford's Nixon pardon, the Democrats had nearly 300 seats in the House of Representatives thanks to huge midterm gains in the wake of the ...
After his controversial pardoning of his predecessor, Richard Nixon, Ford reportedly carried around a copy of the passage that he would read to people in case anyone asked him about the pardon ...
Toobin’s thesis is brashly revisionist; Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon has gone down in history as a great act of beneficence. According to conventional wisdom, by immunizing Nixon from ...
Pardons rarely attracted much attention thereafter, until Watergate. As the scandal mushroomed, Nixon contemplated pardoning the burglars who broke into the Democratic national headquarters as ...
For those who were around at the time of the 1970’s spectacle involving Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, Jeffrey Toobin’s exciting new book just published, "The Pardon," is an ...