filibuster, Kyrsten Sinema and Dems

We may have to put up with the out bisexual Senator’s antics for three ... few friends on either side of the aisle. After Arizona Democrats censured her for failing to vote the filibuster ...
(Nominees who are reasonably anticipated to be bad, but who aren’t conspicuously bad, wouldn’t generally be promising targets for filibusters either.) (b) Democratic president/Senate ...
Dewhurst concurs, and issues the first of three warnings to Davis. After the third warning — which can be for straying off topic or breaking another of the filibuster rules — a simple majority ...
Thanks for sticking with me. If you found this explainer on the filibuster helpful, please share it with your friends and family. You can find it on Apple Podcasts, the Heritage Explains page on ...
Harry Reid is a former Senate majority leader from Nevada. A real fix for this country would be the abolition of the Senate filibuster in all its forms, allowing for a simple majority vote ...