Captain America has saved the world once again but he still has one more mission ahead of time: reassembling the Avengers.
President Thaddeus Ross has a surprisingly different opinion of The Avengers in Captain America: Brave New World, compared to ...
Brave New Worldnot only makes Sam Wilson the undebatable new Captain America, but it also sets up the long-awaited return of the Avengers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Separated after the ...
Brave New World to be a palate cleanser — one that remembers and builds on the events of Marvel’s other recent features. The film does a serviceable job of establishing a new status quo, but it ...
While Marvel certainly has some big things on deck for the rest of 2025, Captain America: Brave New World continues to be a ...
Marvel fans have expressed both excitement and concerns, but many have yet to watch the film before sharing their opinions. ...
At time of writing, latest figures put Brave New World’s global box office at $370.8 million dollars, with $176.5 million of ...
SPOILER ALERT    Marvel is hit or miss with their movies nowadays, so it makes sense that audiences were not exactly eager to ...
Captain America: Brave New World served as a fresh start for the iconic character, with Anthony Mackie in the lead role and ...
Brave New World includes multiple hidden Easter eggs and references to various future projects that will excite Marvel fans!
Having completed two weeks of release in theaters worldwide, Captain America: Brave New World is still lingering at the ...
Brave New World” continues this trend, marking yet another generic and lackluster addition to the franchise that does nothing to stop the current streak of mediocrity plaguing the MCU. To put it ...