Alors que l'Amérique trumpiste a clairement pris ses distances avec l'Ukraine et les pays d'Europe face à la menace russe de Vladimir Poutine, la question de la défense du territoire européen se pose.
Pour contrer la situation morose et faire un pied de nez à Donald Trump, une microbrasserie des Laurentides vient de lancer la bière Le 51 e État, une blonde à 5% d’alcool qui soulève ...
The revolt against Stella McCartney’s ‘monstrous’ Highlands home Residents say plans for an ultra-modern £5 million house on a wildlife-rich Scottish headland are at odds with the star’s ...
La microbrasserie Shawbridge dirigée par Hugues Néron à Prévost vient de lancer une nouvelle bière nommée 51ᵉ État. Cette initiative a suscité des réactions mitigées. Un débat est en ...
Ajouter le sirop d’érable et chauffer 1 minute. Déglacer avec la bière et laisser réduire 3 minutes. Ajouter le bouillon, l’ail, les oignons, le romarin, le thym et les herbes salées. Couvrir et cuire ...
The Egyptian Foreign Ministry said in an official statement on Tuesday that Cairo will host the emergency Arab summit on March 4. The ministry added that the new date was set in coordination with ...
Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Badr Abdelatty said Cairo is “actively developing a comprehensive, multi-phase plan for Gaza’s early recovery and reconstruction”, the state-run Al ...
Building regulations are unevenly enforced in the sprawling metropolis of Cairo, home to over 26 million people. The city has seen a number of deadly building collapses in recent years ...
“We are delighted to welcome students from the Abetio School of Cairo to Cyprus in April. Their visit will further strengthen the bonds between young Cypriots, Greeks and Egyptians, ensuring ...
He also appeared in court sporting a colander on his head. CCTV footage from Cairo Takeaway shows Birenbaum walking into the restaurant in Newtown and paying for a hibiscus tea while appearing to ...
Ambulances were dispatched to the scene in the working-class neighborhood of Kerdasa, in the western part of Greater Cairo, where civil defense teams searched for people thought to be missing ...