A country once called the "North Korea of Europe" transformed their communist past by repurposing bunkers into things like ...
C’è una foto in bianco e nero in cui mamma e figlie ... Sazan ospitò i sottomarini di Stalin e decine di bunker in cemento furono costruiti tra lavande, ginestre e qualche asinello superstite.
Negli ultimi decenni una serie di progetti urbanistici ha trasformato Tirana, la capitale dell’Albania, e cambiato profondamente molti quartieri: in centro si vedono ovunque cantieri ...
“The board would like to thank Tirana for her important contributions to Human Rights Watch over many years of service and for her deep commitment to the organization. We wish her well in her ...
Regarding biofuels usage, the samples tested by VPS equated to an increase from 558,000 MT in 2023 to 800,000 MT in 2024. Bunker Alerts highlight short term quality fuel quality issues identified by ...