The MP considered blasphemous an exhibition at the National Gallery - He had also submitted a question to the Ministry of Culture ...
How Christianity blurred the line between celibacy and androgyny.
The oldest known depiction of the Crucifixion of Christ is housed in the Greek Orthodox Holy Monastery of St. Catherine on ...
An icon of Jesus Christ Pantocrator from Macedonia ... Beards become a custom separating East and West “While wearing beards and long hair you (Eastern Orthodox) reject the bond of brotherhood with ...
“Today is no exception,” he said, pointing out that the Ukrainian Catholic Church “has been declared illegal in the territories of Eastern Ukraine that ... Ukrainian Catholics pray before an icon of ...
The Greek Orthodox Holy Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai is believed to house the oldest icon depicting the ...
The gathering of bishops in Nicaea (now Iznik, in Turkey) in 325 was called by Roman Emperor Constantine to settle factionalism in the early church caused by Arianism, a theology that said Jesus was .
The day earned its name from the Christian tradition of seeking absolution before the start of Lent. Pancakes became ...
But since the date of Easter changes every year, you might find yourself checking the calendar each time the weather warms up ...
For the past year, the palms Rev. Robin Dodge and his family used in last year’s Palm Sunday procession sat next to two holy ...
In a live broadcast on October 2, 2024, Thalisa held up a picture of Jesus Christ and said: “You should not look like a woman. You should cut your hair so that you will look like his father.” ...