European Union enlargement commissioner Marta Kos has hailed Albania’s progress in the membership negotiations and as a “champion” of the regional cooperation ...
The EBRD is offering a sovereign loan of €45.75m to Albania’s energy distributor, Operatori i Shpërndarjes së Energjisë ...
Since January 2011, a Council of Europe Office in Tirana is set up as a new institutional form of co-operation. As representative of the Secretary General in Albania, the Office works to promote the ...
Amidst heightened geopolitical tensions and a renewed push for EU enlargement, the European Parliament’s new office in Tirana ...
Detaje të reja dalin në dritë nga hetimet për zbardhjen e vrasjes së palestinezes Rayyan Alwan, e cila u vra nga i ati, Fadi Alwan, në Tiranë. Më 19 shkurt të këtij viti, në rrethana ende të paqarta, ...