Alabama AG Steve Marshall led an amicus brief arguing vote dilution claims are insufficient to justify so-called “racial ...
A combination of gerrymandering of districts and packing the Supreme Court with jurists chosen by the conservative Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation have pushed U.S. policy “in a rightward di ...
Letters: Do better for dog attack victims. You lost me at "Christian conservative." Republicans are disrespecting the people ...
If our representatives in Washington D.C. do not address these overreaches by the President and his allies, then our rights ...
Once Brown's plans are known, plenty of other Democrats will be ready to go, predicted Greg Beswick, a former Ohio Democratic ...
Introduction: Gerrymandering has long been a contentious issue in electoral politics, shaping the way legislative districts ...
Daniel Magleby and Michael D. McDonald have written this draft for ELJ. Here is the abstract: The Roberts Court has turned over efforts to limit gerrymanders to politics and willing state courts.
Alternative electoral systems—such as ranking systems or list-based proportional systems—could enhance representation in the ...