An airline ticket referring to Zimbabwe as using its colonial name - Rhodesia - has sparked outrage and debate online.
Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe Friday repeated his threat to put whites on trial for the "genocide" of blacks during the 1970s guerrilla war against white rule. Mugabe said during an official ...
If the government truly cares about land reform, it should focus on ensuring all Zimbabweans have access to productive land, providing support for farmers ...
I also got a tremendous, tremendous grounding in terms of education because the Catholic school, mostly Irish and British nuns, who were so anti-Rhodesian front, disliked Ian Smith, you know ...
Accused by the Rhodesian Forces’ military intelligence ... which was banned by the Ian Smith regime. “Unfortunately, the song was banned by the Ian Smith government, as it came out during ...
The Southern Eye A SOUTH AFRICA-BASED Zipra war veteran Chandagwinyira Chose has lamented government’s neglect of former ...
Essentially, it says that Rhodesia then, under Prime Minister Ian Smith, was a lovely country, where “African living standards have steadily improved”, “African housing in Rhodesia is the best in the ...
The truth can be a bitter pill to swallow, but it needs to be taken if we are to heal our nation.Zimbabwe's liberation ...
1807: Congress bans the slave trade within the US, effective January 1, 1808. On the same day, William Cavendish-Bentinck, Duke of Portland becomes Prime Minister for the second time after the fall of ...