It's Saturday evening in Tirana, the capital of Albania, and 14-year-old Martin B. is sitting on the sidewalk in front of the building that houses the prime minister's office. Martin is one of ...
Just a stone's throw from Tirana is Mount Dajti, a promise of an escape into Albania's wilderness. With its breathtaking panoramas, cultural stops and contemplative hikes, this national park is a ...
Albania’s Orthodox Church has elected Joan Pelushi as its new leader following the death in January of Archbishop Anastasios, who had revived the church after the fall of communism in 1990.
Albania’s opposition has protested the left-wing government’s decision to shut down TikTok, calling the move censorship ahead ...
Prokuroria ka nisur hetime ndaj aktivistes Adriana Kalaja, pasi ka penguar lëvizjen e një automjeti në pronësi të bashkisë Tiranë, me të cilin po transportoheshin dokumente nga Bashkia te Drejtoria e ...
As part of the European Union and Council of Europe programmatic framework “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey” (Horizontal Facility), the Council of Europe will implement the ...
Ditën e sotme, avokatja Adriana Kalaja, në një video të publikuar në “Facebook”, ka denoncuar skandalin e radhës në Bashkinë e Tiranës, disa ditë pas arrestimit të kryebashkiakut Erion Veliaj. Në ...
Copenhagen Architecture Festival carried out a film and architecture workshop in collaboration with Barleti University and Tirana Architecture Triennale, exploring inclusivity in Albania’s ...
The ministry has withheld approval for the wrestlers to participate in the second Ranking Series of the year scheduled to take place in Tirana, Albania, from February 26 to March 2. “We are unable to ...
The social media campaign is designed to deter Albanian people from illegally moving to the UK by highlighting the negative aspects of living here, including the cost of living crisis, Brexit and high ...
It has a growing expat community, a newly developed lungomare (seaside promenade) and easy access to some of Albania’s most beautiful beaches. It’s quieter than Tirana, but it still has ...
built in the 1970s in the capital of Tirana, was a heavily guarded place of power where Hoxha both ruled and feared his own people. Albania's ruler was known for his paranoid behavior and saw ...