The unregulated infusion of UAE petrodollars could prove as corrosive and cancerous to Tbilisi’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations as ...
Dhe kjo opozitë që ne kaluam, akoma më shumë! Sot mund të them me bindje që PD është më e bashkuar, më e fortë dhe më e hapur, gati për të shkruar edhe Historinë e Fitores më 11 Maj! Suksese të gjithë ...
Thousands of years later, it was unearthed. The major discovery near Aquileia, now a town of approximately 3,000, gives insight into the intersection between the former metropolis and the eastern ...
Public transport is available, however, buses can be a little unreliable and only link the major towns and cities. It’s pretty safe here in Albania, but there are a few things to watch out for ...
Ministri i Brendshëm, Ervin Hoxha, njoftoi se, sipas vlerësimeve të autoriteteve, rreth 520 mijë shtetas shqiptarë që jetojnë ...
The map below shows the location of Durres and Havana. The blue line represents the straight line joining these two place. The distance shown is the straight line or the air travel distance between ...
Environmental groups on Tuesday criticized Albania’s silence and lack of progress in analyzing 102 containers suspected of carrying a large amount of hazardous waste. Albanian prosecutors have put the ...
Maj. Oriel Bibi, 30, an officer in the Paratroopers Brigade, from Shlomit, was killed on October 7 battling the Hamas invasion of southern Israel. Oriel was home the morning of the attack in ...
Italy invaded the country in 1939 under Benito Mussolini, who was eager to expand his power base across the Mediterranean Sea ...
This year's first Major event brings Counter-Strike esports back to North America after seven years with a 1,250,000 USD prize pool. Here's everything we know about the event, its key dates and ...
Defense Minister Israel Katz decided today (Wednesday) to appoint Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Amir Baram, to the position of Director General of the Ministry of Defense. Baram will assume ...
You can find her on Instagram @OliviaBellusci. Languages: English. Meghan Trainor is opening up about a major body modification she recently underwent. On Thursday, February 6, the 31-year-old ...