Nearly 1 in 2 Muslims (47%) experience racial discrimination, up from 39% in 2016. The highest rates in the 13 survey countries are in Austria (71%), Germany (68%) and Finland (63%).  “Being Muslim in ...
Baba Vanga has predicted that Christian-dominated Europe will be ruled by Muslims by the year 2043, and Islam will replace ...
A viral video claims to show Christians being harassed in Indonesia for not observing Ramadan. It does show Ramadan-related harassment, but there are no Christians involved. A DW fact check.
Various reports and studies have found a sharp increase in racial discrimination towards Muslim people, especially Muslim ...
Death by Lunacy
They are thrilled at the death of the Alawites, the same tribe from which came the Assad family. Western governments ostensibly should have demanded fair trials for any Alawite who was involved in the ...
There is a new Islamist terror threat in Europe that the French describe as ‘low-cost terrorism’. The expression was deployed ...
There was controversy over Maltese entrant Miriana Conte as her lyrics and song title appeared to be similar to a British ...
The presence of Muslims in the UK, in London is not something that has just happened. We can see in Shakespeare's work the ...
In his desperation for diplomatic support, the Israeli leader is cosying up to xenophobes and antisemites across Europe and ...
Built by prosperous traders in the first half of the 20th century, many of Sidhpur’s pastel-colored mansions are now derelict ...
As the days stretch longer and the weather becomes increasingly unpredictable, individuals across the United Kingdom embark ...
A viral video claims to show "Christians" being harassed in Indonesia for not observing Ramadan. It does show Ramadan-related harassment, but there are no Christians involved. A DW Fact check.