World's most venomous snake bit Jeffery Leibowitz. Now, the SC city banned exotic animals including some snakes, primates, ...
Gang figures are neglecting exotic animals, but outdated laws do little to stop their import, writes Sarah Horgan ...
If you are a long time resident or visitor to Sanibel, most likely you know about Brazilian pepper, while those with less ...
Invasive species cost the United States an estimated $120 billion annually and are a major driver of extinction for ...
For the second time in four months, giraffes have been spotted roaming freely in Mexico’s state of Coahuila, leaving authorities perplexed.
What the dodo symbolizes has changed over time. It has been, variously, a parable, a joke and a warning. When we see it as an ...
What if I told you that there is a food product that would cause a public scandal almost anywhere in the world, but is still ...
Monkeys infected with Ebola can be cured with a pill, according to a new study out Friday that could pave the way for more ...
On the East Coast, especially in major cities, rats are seen as a nuisance. On the West Coast in Portland, they receive ...
After holding a place of honor in the symbolic pantheon of Greco-Roman and early Christian iconography during the first ...