Veprimi kundër Krimit Ekonomik në Shqipëri (AEC-AL) synon të kontribuojë në forcimin e luftës kundër korrupsionit, pastrimit të parave dhe financimit të terrorizmit në përputhje me standardet ...
Among the recommendations made are the provision of more culturally appropriate accommodation for members of the Roma and Traveller communities. He also suggests access to legal aid for civil ...
The affected traveler arrived at LAX on Feb. 19 on Korean Air flight KAL11/KE11. Anyone who was at Terminal B of the airport that day from 1 to 4 p.m. may be at risk of contracting the disease due ...
PINEVILLE, Mo. — Three people were killed in a crash near Pineville Sunday night. According to the Missouri State Highway Patrol, a Bella Vista woman was heading south in the northbound lanes of ...
Macy Meyer is a North Carolina native who graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill with a BA in English and a second BA in Journalism. Macy is a Writer on the CNET How-To team, covering a variety of topics ...
Moderatorja sportive Viola Spiro ka rrëfyer paragjykimet në periudhën kur erdhi në Tiranë për të kryer studimet e larta. Prezantuesja sportive, gjatë një interviste në emisionin “Mirëmbrëma Yje”, u ...
“The beds were cramped, the meals were inedible and the airport lounge was like something from the 1950s.” “On a flight to Hong Kong, the lunch menu listed something I was later told had not ...
Gjykata e Tiranës, ka caktuar masa sigurie për 4 zyrtarë policie në Tiranë, Haxhi Balla, Eni Tila (Xhaferi), Jaho Caushaj dhe Islam Shehi, të cilat janë ezekutuar nga Agjencia e Mbikëqyrjes Policore.
Inspira Financial Trust, a provider of health, wealth and retirement services, notified more than 2,300 customers that their personal data was improperly accessed by a third-party call-center ...
Traveling alone overseas can be a much-needed, joyful break, but safety should be paramount. By Sophie Stuber Traveling alone overseas can be a much-needed break from day-to-day social obligations ...