universi hologram), një teori krejt të re të origjinës ... nga ana e establishmentit. Gjithsesi, në infosferën shqiptare nuk para ndesh në crackpots; mediat, me modelet e tyre, u kanë treguar ...
There are some 60 languages spoken on the Tibetan Plateau. But harsh Chinese policies mean many minority languages may not be passed down to future generations.
Research shows a possible return to society of $1.24 for every dollar invested in increasing the JobSeeker rate.
Researchers at Bournemouth University are warning about the addictive potential of AI conversational tools, such as ChatGPT. Writing in the. Join us between 17:00 and 19:30 to find out more about ...
At Wesleyan our open curriculum challenges and teaches you to think creatively, become intellectually agile, and take meaningful risks. This flexibility prepares you both for success and the ...