It animates me still today. It was the feeling of coming home from a war knowing politicians were mouthing words about a conflict that looked completely different from the one they’d sent us to ...
Europe Lost the War Trashing Israel on the way out the door is the perfect capstone to an ignoble career. John Kerry ends his long ... that U.S. servicemen in Vietnam “raped, cut off ears ...
John Kerry (D-Mass.) in his 2004 bid for president ... Kerry’s military awards as a swift boat commander during the Vietnam ...
Shrum was a strategist on John Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004 when a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, made up of Vietnam War veterans, questioned his military record ...
John F. Kerry during his run for the White ... swift boat — a relatively small patrol vessel — during the Vietnam War. Kerry received three Purple Hearts, a Silver Star and a Bronze Star.
“He’s not a war hero ... U.S. Sen. John Kerry as he ran for president against incumbent George W. Bush. Bush had sought and ...
Veterans like John Kerry, a Navy Swift boat commander horrified by what he’d seen and experienced in Vietnam, came home and campaigned against the war. How could anyone deny the effect Vietnam ...