The universe is impressive on two levels: the macro and the micro. Its sheer size, even of the relatively small amount we know, is massive. Within just our planet, the number and diversity of creation ...
All of the prisoners slated for release on Thursday were instead returned to Ofer and Ketziot Prisoners until further notice.
It is deeply tragic to witness the destructive effects of hatred among our enemies.
" I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I ...
Perhaps most remarkable, however, was Reshevsky’s unwavering commitment to his faith as a devout and fully-observant Orthodox Jew. He dedicated a portion of each day to the study of Torah and steadf ...
Iran fears a return to Trump’s hardline approach. On January 17, 2025, President Pezeshkian stressed the importance of dialogue with the United States. In November 2024, Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas ...
In exchange for freeing the eight hostages, Israel is releasing 110 terrorist prisoners, including 33 who are serving life sentences.
Momika’s actions contributed to a series of copycat protests in Denmark, where copies of the Quran were burned outside the embassies of several Muslim-majority countries.
Judaism is not a religion of blind obedience. Indeed, astonishingly in a religion of 613 commandments, there is no Hebrew word that means to obey.
While the commentaries analyze each miracle on its own, the overall thrust of the presentation seems to be that G-d showed an added level of care for the continual functioning of the Temple.
30 life-term prisoners and 20 others serving various sentences will be freed in exchange for the release of IDF observer Agam Berger. For the release of Arbel Yehud, Israel will free 30 minors and ...
President Donald Trump is ratcheting up the efforts to address antisemitism in America with an executive order signed on Wednesday targeting anti-Jewish foreign agitators. The Executive Order reads as ...