Veprimi kundër Krimit Ekonomik në Shqipëri (AEC-AL) synon të kontribuojë në forcimin e luftës kundër korrupsionit, pastrimit të parave dhe financimit të terrorizmit në përputhje me standardet ...
Now the highest-grossing animated film in history, myth-based tale about parent-child bonds and asserting your identity packs stunning effects and action sequences. Late in “Ne Zha 2,” the ...
China's animated blockbuster Ne Zha 2 continues to make waves at the international box office, with its massive earnings in Australia and New Zealand further boosting its success in Oceania.
Më 31 Maj 2025, Sono Entertainment në bashkëpunim me ALPHA & GATE organizojnë një nga eventet më të të jashtëzakonshme në Tiranë që do të ndryshojë skenën e muzikës elektronike. Keinemusik, kolektivi ...
“Ne Zha 2,” a Chinese animated movie, has become an unprecedented smash, racking up $1.9 billion from nearly 80,000 screens after four weeks — and with little help from the world’s largest ...
Indeksi i Harmonizuar i Çmimeve të Konsumit, që mat rritjen e çmimeve sipas metodologjisë së ‘Agjencisë Evropiane të Statistikave’, në muajin Janar të vitit 2025 regjistrohet në 2.4%, duke konstatuar ...
TIANJIN: The Ne Zha 2 hype is fuelling a cultural tourism boom in China, with Tianjin - which claims to be one of the mythical story’s prototype sites - seeing a surge in visitors. The film ...
We both care about how other people see us,” said Yang Chenxi, a 17-year-old student from the city of Huzhou who has watched Ne Zha 2 five times already. This new animated version was ...
Chinese animated film Ne Zha 2 topped the global animated film box office chart on Tuesday, surpassing Inside Out 2 to become the highest-grossing animated film worldwide. As of 7:35 pm on Tuesday ...
Beijing: Chinese blockbuster "Ne Zha 2" has ousted Disney's "Inside Out 2" to become the highest-grossing animated film of all time, state media reported Tuesday, citing a domestic ticketing platform.
Ne Zha 2 collects glorious numbers once again this Sunday. The Chinese movie scored $80 million yesterday, and it is happening for the first time in the history of cinema. It has been trending on ...
Ne-Yo may not be topping the charts like he used to, but he's certainly keeping himself occupied with a rather indulgent lifestyle, juggling relationships with three women simultaneously.