Appeals court dismisses plea to release the mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, who is in detention as charges of corruption and money laundering are investigated.
Afër 97% e familjeve në Kosovë shtëpitë apo banesat ku jetojnë i kanë në pronësi, ndërsa pjesa tjetër janë akomoduar pa ...
Ne Zha 2 has done it and beaten Spider-Man: No Way Home’s global haul with its extraordinary performance. The Chinese juggernaut does not fail to surprise us even after twenty-nine days of its ...
Fillim viti, por turistët nuk munguan në Shqipëri as në muajin janar. 14.5% më shumë të huaj e vizituan Shqipërinë sipas Institutit të Statistikave, duke arritur në 560 mijë. Pavarësisht një tendence ...
“Ne Zha 2,” a Chinese animated movie, has become an unprecedented smash, racking up $1.9 billion from nearly 80,000 screens after four weeks — and with little help from the world’s largest ...
China’s box office remained firmly in the grip of “Ne Zha 2,” which continued its extraordinary run, grossing RMB 1.1 billion ($152.9 million) over the Feb. 21–23 weekend, according to ...
On the surface, Ne Zha 2: The Sea’s Fury (2025), a sequel to the 2019 Chinese blockbuster Nezha: Birth Of The Demon Child, is a high-octane, action-packed and visually stunning animated ...
TIANJIN: The Ne Zha 2 hype is fuelling a cultural tourism boom in China, with Tianjin - which claims to be one of the mythical story’s prototype sites - seeing a surge in visitors. The film ...
Dhe si shembull ai i referohet të kaluarës. “90% e gjithë të ardhurave kombëtare vinin vetëm nga blegtoria. Ne ishim eksportuesit më të mëdhenj të prodhimeve blegtorale jashtë shtetit. Në atë periudhë ...
What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming. Link to What to Watch: In Theaters and On Streaming. Andor Creator Tony Gilroy Reflects on Season 1 and Offers New Details on Season 2 Link to Andor ...
As Ne Zha 2 shatters box office records, the Chinese animated film about a mythical boy with magical powers has sparked national pride and now hostility towards rival Hollywood offerings such as ...
Duke qenë se ekonomia e tregut në vendin tonë është e bazuar më ... ose gati një në pesë familje. Në këtë analizë ne kemi renditur edhe qarqet sipas atyre me më shumë biznesmenë, dhe atyre me më pak ...