In addition to Toast point-of-sale (POS) terminals, both Perkins and Huddle House will use Toast Go® mobile handheld devices, Kitchen Display Systems (KDS), and Toast’s Restaurant Management ...
Mill House Brewing Company's newest Highland venture is opening in less than a month. On Wednesday, March 26, The Ridge by Mill House will hold its grand opening. The new restaurant is taking over ...
SHREVEPORT La. -Caddo Parish Commissioner John-Paul Young isn’t holding back, calling for urgent action to stop the fires in his Shreveport neighborhood before more homes — and lives —are ...
Property taxes, public schools, and healthcare were among the topics constituents questioned three area legislators about ...
Being able to custom design a house from top to bottom is a dream come true for many. But for Highland Heights residents Jason and Kim Brown and their family, that dream has turned into a nightmare.
Mary Gill (D-Chicago). House Bill 1360 passed unanimously out of the House Insurance Committee Tuesday afternoon. The measure now moves to the House floor for further consideration.
School District 25 has announced that construction on the renovation and rebuild of Highland High School will begin on Monday ...
Once just a quaint town on the west branch of Lewisville Lake, affluent and growing Highland Village now is a go-to spot for ...
More than 300 people were in attendance for the Highland County Chamber of Commerce’s 13th annual Ag is Everyone’s Business ...
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - A Mississippi man was charged with eight counts of attempted first-degree murder after he fired several shots into an SUV full of people on the Highland Strip two weeks ago ...
Exciting things are happening at Highland High School. The Pocatello/Chubbuck School District is proud to announce the next ...