Fighting alongside Malian soldiers, Wagner mercenaries have massacred civilians and burned their villages in northern Mali, ...
Mali will partially lift a 2022 suspension on the issuance of mining permits on March 15, the mines ministry said in a statement on Friday.
Chances are you or someone you know received a threatening text that appeared to be from Peach Pass recently. The FOX 5 I-Team's Dana Fowle explains what you need to know and how to check your ...
Mali is suspending the granting of new artisanal mining permits to foreigners, after a couple of accidents in recent weeks ...
Një debat i fortë ka ndodhur pasditen e sotme në Big Brother VIP mes Eglit dhe Rozanës. Veprimi i Gjestit për t’u arratisur, Vesa Luma: Padyshim është fitues i BBVK dhe BBVA – do të ishte më mirë që ...
Në rrjetet sociale po qarkullojnë krahasime për ndryshimin e pamjes së Shkëlzen Oruçit, një nga banorët e Big Brother VIP Albania, përpara dhe pas ndërhyrjeve estetike. Në foton e publikuar, ai shihet ...
Ishte G Bani që i afrohej te fytyra vazhdimisht dhe i bërtiste duke i thënë: “Hiqe dorën, hiqe dorën, mos më prek”.
Duke pasur parasysh numrin në rritje të vendeve që nuk janë në përputhje me regjimin e vizave të BE-së, dhe për të përmbushur hapat e Agjendës së Reformës, Mali i Zi duhet të heqë dy vende nga regjimi ...
BAMAKO, Mali (AP) — Mali's army said it's investigating soldiers who were accused by separatist Tuareg rebels of killing at least 24 civilians earlier this week, in a rare probe of human rights ...
Alenka Mali walked away from her crash with nothing but a bruised knee. She told Outside that she doesn’t know why she is still alive, but that she believes there must be a reason.
Around 20 people were killed in northern Mali on Monday when the vehicles they were traveling in came under attack, with local sources telling Agence France-Presse that Wagner mercenaries and Mali ...
About 20 people were killed in Mali. A separatist rebel group blamed Mali soldiers and Wagner mercenaries for the killings. The Mali army declined to comment. Around 20 people were killed in northern ...