Food for the European Middle Ages was not very different from what we eat today. Meats like beef, pork, lamb, and venison were available, along with fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, fish, ...
The local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism encourages members to study the Middle Ages, practice medieval arts ...
During WWII, Albania defied the Nazis, sheltering Jews and preserving its tradition of hospitality. Discover how this ...
Despite its credentials – good looks, warmth, vivacity, natural charm – the Lot is a haven of Frenchness that remains ...
The local architecture reflects the simple practicalities of peasant life ... Most of the towns along the river date from the Middle Ages, when France and England squabbled over these rough ...
Butter. Just the sound of it gets the juices flowing. In your wildest dreams could you picture a world without it? Why, it’s unimaginable!. Okay, okay, so without it we’d all have smaller bottoms … ...
Test your understanding of the Middle Ages with these facts ... Meats were preserved with salt and drinks were sweetened with honey. Although food depended on the season, peasants had a largely ...
The Acting Executive Director of the Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana, Bismark Nortey, has stated that the government can reduce the country's dependence on food imports by addressing the high ...