Tirana, the Albanian capital, is a multicultural, culturally wealthy, and energetic city. Whether you are visiting town on ...
Katër persona janë arrestuar pasi i kapën duke transportuar 11 kilogramë kanabis, me qëllim që t’i shesin. Sipas një postimi në rrjetin social në Facebook të Policisë së Shtetit bëhet e ditur se ...
Ne Zha 2 has done it and beaten Spider-Man: No Way Home’s global haul with its extraordinary performance. The Chinese juggernaut does not fail to surprise us even after twenty-nine days of its ...
Kryeministri izraelit, Benjamin Netanyahu shfaqet i shtrirë në një shezllon pranë Trumpit, të dy duke pirë pije pranë një pishine, me "Trump Gaza" të dukshëm në sfond. Në sfond ...
Fillim viti, por turistët nuk munguan në Shqipëri as në muajin janar. 14.5% më shumë të huaj e vizituan Shqipërinë sipas Institutit të Statistikave, duke arritur në 560 mijë. Pavarësisht një tendence ...
“Ne Zha 2,” a Chinese animated movie, has become an unprecedented smash, racking up $1.9 billion from nearly 80,000 screens after four weeks — and with little help from the world’s largest ...
With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that “Ne Zha 2” is now the most successful film ever produced in China, not to mention the country’s highest-grossing IMAX release ...
China’s box office remained firmly in the grip of “Ne Zha 2,” which continued its extraordinary run, grossing RMB 1.1 billion ($152.9 million) over the Feb. 21–23 weekend, according to ...
On the surface, Ne Zha 2: The Sea’s Fury (2025), a sequel to the 2019 Chinese blockbuster Nezha: Birth Of The Demon Child, is a high-octane, action-packed and visually stunning animated ...
TIANJIN: The Ne Zha 2 hype is fuelling a cultural tourism boom in China, with Tianjin - which claims to be one of the mythical story’s prototype sites - seeing a surge in visitors. The film ...
It still hasn't completed a month in release, but the Chinese mega-hit Ne Zha 2 is already one of the highest-grossing films in global box office history. This weekend, the film hit another ...