In Albaniaโ€™s Elbasan, prosecutors say the townโ€™s only fruit and vegetable market is the base of a powerful organised crime gang. That hasnโ€™t stopped the local council from giving its owner ...
Catholics may take part in some of these cultural traditions as well, being Albanians, and because Catholics, Orthodox, and even Muslims often โ€œborrow, mix, and matchโ€ religious feasts and practices ...
Hard pressed British workers are seeing their taxes wasted on electric vehicles for Albanian prisons and gender equality projects in Iraq and Jordan. Britain is also funding green energy ...
Italy's Meloni Vows to Overcome All Obstacles to Albanian Migrant Deal By Angelo Amante ROME (Reuters) - Italy's prime minister on Monday vowed to push ahead with a plan to deport irregular ...
ROME (Reuters) - Italy's prime minister on Monday vowed to push ahead with a plan to deport irregular migrants to camps built in Albania, which has been stalled by national judges, saying the ...
faqe 54) Në dosje janë edhe qelizat e celularit të Erjon Veliajt, me anë të së cilave prokurorët vërtetojnë se kryebashkiaku i Tiranës i kalonte fundjavat në vilën e kompleksit Marea në Qerret.
Kryetari i Bashkisë së Tiranës, Erion Veliaj, ka reaguar sërish pas akuzave të SPAK, lidhur me pronësinë e një shtëpie në Qerret. Veliaj ka theksuar se shtëpia në fjalë është pronë e vjehrrit të tij ...
Nuk është shumë e vështirë për hetuesit e stërvitur të SPAK-ut të zbulojnë me saktësi se e kujt është realisht vila në Qerret, për të cilën akuzohet kryebashkiaku i Tiranës, Erion Veliaj. Shqipëria ...
The social media campaign is designed to deter Albanian people from illegally moving to the UK by highlighting the negative aspects of living here, including the cost of living crisis, Brexit and high ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. An interior view of Villa 31 where the late communist dictator Enver Hoxha, once a symbol of totalitarian ...
Albania's crystal-clear waters and golden beaches have earned it the title of the 'Maldives of Europe'. And it's fast becoming one of the continent's top tourist destinations with international ...
The ethnic Albanians entered Balkan history in 1043 when they came from East Sicily and settled in present-day Central Albania by the Byzantine authorities.¹ Their ethnic origin remains still ...