O týchto a ďalších aktuálnych otázkach bude moderátorka Karolína Lacová diskutovať v relácii Na telo už túto nedeľu 16. marca 2025 s nezaradeným poslancom Samuelom Migaľom a poslankyňou NR SR ...
The Health-care Supervisory Office (UDZS), which covers the Forensic Medicine and Necropsy Pathological Anatomy Department, strongly objects to the statements made by Government Proxy for ...
Despite a tough season for his Colorado Buffaloes team, Sebastián Rančík has performed better than some drafted players.
Talented domestic or foreign bachelor and master-degree students who begin their studies at Slovak universities as of the next academic year will be able to apply for scholarships, Education Minister ...
24hod.sk - Českí turisti vedú v počte návštev Slovenska, SLOVAKIA TRAVEL propaguje krajinu na veľtrhu v Prahe - Mimoriadnu ...
Slovakia has a new social network, one focused on hiking: Turistník.sk. Its developers say it is designed to inspire people ...
Andrew and Tristan Tate - former kickboxers turned social media provocateurs - are no strangers to controversy. Facing human trafficking and organised crime charges in Romania, their financial ...
The demand for Slovak-made ammunition has surged since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Oil supplies to Slovakia via Russia's Druzhba pipeline have resumed and oil is expected to arrive to the country later on ...
24hod.sk - Accolade získala ďalšie financovanie vo výške desiatok miliónov eur. Prostriedky z úverov poputujú do Karlových ...
On March 7, tens of thousands of people took to the streets across Slovakia for the third time this year to protest the ...
Zoberie nám umelá inteligencia prácu? Pomôže nám poraziť v súčasnosti neliečiteľné choroby? Prispeje k zodpovedaniu otázky o pôvode vesmíru? Bude riadiť ...