HORDE with the Ballet National de Marseille, with choreography by Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer and Arthur Harel.
I hope that’s a rock, some rocks can be silver can’t they?” I try to convince myself as I bend down, hoping not to see what I’m seeing.
Being able to retroactively make a current game work on older systems is just yet another reminder that video game development is like a magic spell sometimes.
The poet, writer, musician, performer, and visual artist reframes disability as a social and political condition.
After a years-long hiatus from running the Regina Rex gallery in Manhattan, Craig Monteith and Alta Buden have announced a ...
A reflection on the surreal world of Jet Set Willy, where glitchy wonder, British humour, and pixelated adventure defined ...
I didn't know I was doom scrolling on social media until I had a nightmare I was being chased by oddly-shaped thought bubbles ...
Whether you find yourself doomscrolling, spending hours watching hilarious reels, or stalking friends' or co-workers' posts, ...
Strategies include setting time limits and creating no-scroll zones. "Stop doom scrolling, friend," he wrote. He further wrote about perks of digital detox saying it could help one accomplish a lot.