Copenhagen Architecture Festival carried out a film and architecture workshop in collaboration with Barleti University and Tirana Architecture Triennale, exploring inclusivity in Albania’s ...
The Council of Europe (the Council) is currently implementing the project “Sustaining Public Administration Reform at Local Level in Albania”, funded by the German government, throughout a period of ...
They say Tirana - the capital - and two seaside spots - Vlorë and Saranda - are great options for retirees. Tirana Sara at Magic Towns reveals to MailOnline: ‘As the capital, Tirana has the ...
Pas ngjarjeve të fundit që lidhen me arrestimin e Erion Veliajt, prezantuesi i njohur Ardit Gjebrea ka dalë publikisht në mbështetje të tij. Në një postim në Instagram, Gjebrea ka ndarë mendimet e tij ...
SEOUL, Feb 12 — NJZ — the girl group formerly known as NewJeans — may be signing with Beasts And Natives Alike (BANA), the record label responsible for producing many of their biggest hits, including ...
Veliaj first took office as Tirana mayor in 2015 and was re-elected to his third term in May 2023 under the ruling Socialist party. He is accused of misappropriating at least $ 1.1 million by ...