Global Forecast as of 12:00 GMT Sunday, March 16, 2025 City/Town, Country;Sunday's Weather Condition;Sunday's High Temp (C);Sunday's Low Temp (C);Monday's Weather Condition;Monday's High Temp ...
Albania’s Orthodox Church on Sunday elected Joan Pelushi as its new leader following the death in January of Archbishop Anastasios, who had revived the church after ...
A massive fire in a nightclub in North Macedonia’s eastern town of Kocani has killed 51 people and injured more than 100 ...
Albania’s opposition has protested the left-wing government’s decision to shut down TikTok, calling the move censorship ahead ...
Me sloganin "Në mbrojtje të fjalës së lirë", qindra qytetarë kanë protestuar para selisë së Kryeministrisë së Shqipërisë në ...
During WWII, Albania defied the Nazis, sheltering Jews and preserving its tradition of hospitality. Discover how this ...
Festimet dhe aktivitetet kryesore janë organizuar në Tiranë dhe Elbasan, ku në kryeqytet janë organizuar koncerte, panaire, ...
Shqiptari Valentin Cela, është një profesionist dhe iniciator ideshë të reja në Kanada, i njohur për ekspertizën e tij në ...
A horse, Springwell Bay, was running in The Jack Richards Novices’ Limited Handicap Chase at 2pm before it died.
European Union enlargement commissioner Marta Kos has hailed Albania’s progress in the membership negotiations and as a ...
Appeals court dismisses plea to release the mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, who is in detention as charges of corruption and money laundering are investigated.