In an editorial in Saamana, its mouthpiece, the Uddhav Thackeray-led party also took potshots at deputy chief minister Eknath Shinde who heads the rival Shiv Sena and whose relations with Fadnavis ...
The Shiv Sena (UBT) praised Fadnavis “for cleaning up government administration,” while slamming Shinde for being responsible for the supposed graft and rot that had set in. In an editorial in the ...
After a a 26-year-old woman was allegedly raped inside an MSRTC bus on at Swargate bus station, protesters led by Shiv Sena (UBT) Leader Vasant More, destroyed the security office at the city's ...
Zëdhënësja në KESCO, Merita Rashiti u është përgjigjur qytetarëve në Ferizaj dhe Lipjan të cilët nëpërmjet Telegrafit kanë ngritur shqetësimin duke pretenduar se faturat e muajit janar u janë fryer ...
Banorët në qytetin e Ferizajt dhe të Lipjanit gjatë muajve të fundit janë përballur me pagesa më të larta të faturave të energjisë elektrike. Sipas banorëve faturat kanë shënuar një fryrje të çmimeve, ...
Kryeministri Edi Rama ka folur në mbledhjen e Grupit të PS-së, ku i ftuar ishte edhe rektori i Universitetit Bujqësor të Tiranës, Fatbardh Sallaku, i cili foli për masat e sigurisë të lëshuara nga ...
Sena (UBT) will teach a lesson to BJP minister Nitesh Rane: Ex-MP Vinayak Raut 'Many MVA workers have already joined the BJP, and I encourage those who are left to do the same. Only (ruling ...
The Marathi-speaking bus driver was allegedly attacked on the night of February 21 while on being duty in a Bangalore to Mumbai bus. Workers from Uddhav Thackeray's Shiv Sena on Saturday night ...
Shiv Sena (UBT) workers staged a protest in Pune's Swargate area on Saturday night, blackening buses with Karnataka number plates. This action followed the assault of a Marathi-speaking bus driver ...
As former MLAs Rajan Salvi and Subhash Bane jump ship, the Sena (UBT)’s lone MLA in the Konkan, Bhaskar Jadhav, warns that the party is in urgent need of revival MUMBAI: The Eknath Shinde-led ...
Mumbai: Yet another Shiv Sena (UBT) leader expressed his dissatisfaction over the party affairs. Bhaskar Jadhav, SS (UBT)’s leader in the legislative assembly, on Saturday said that despite his ...
Sena (UBT) MPs in Delhi face a dilemma about attending events hosted by Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena's ministers amid defection rumors. Aaditya Thackeray advised MPs to seek prior permission from ...