William Hopper’s daughter, Kathryn Hopper; his sister-in-law, Mary-Francis Barr and her husband Dennis and their daughters, Lynn Barr and Lori Dwyer; Lori’s husband Scott Dwyer and her ...
In a speech at the Justice Department, President Trump aired a litany of grievances Friday about the criminal investigations ...
He also endured difficult relationships with his first two handpicked attorneys general - Jeff Sessions was fired immediately after the 2018 midterm election, and William Barr resigned weeks after ...
He also endured difficult relationships with his first two handpicked attorneys general — Jeff Sessions was fired immediately after the 2018 midterm election, and William Barr resigned weeks ...
He also endured difficult relationships with his first two handpicked attorneys general — Jeff Sessions was fired immediately after the 2018 midterm election, and William Barr resigned weeks ...