Faculty Senate | The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The Faculty Senate President serves on the University Faculty Council, and elected representatives of the Faculty Senate represent the faculty on the UTK Advisory Board and some Board of Trustees committees.
Tennessee University Faculty Senates | Faculty Senate
Jan 20, 2017 · The UTK Faculty Senate is a charter member of Tennessee University Faculty Senates (TUFS), an organization whose goals are to increase communication among faculty senates at the state’s universities and provide faculty an opportunity to speak with a united voice on issues of importance at the state level.
University of Tennessee Faculty Council | Faculty Senate
The Council confers with, advises, and communicates with the President of the University of Tennessee system (and his/her staff, as appropriate) on system-wide matters of interest to the faculties and the President.
Firearms on Campus | Faculty Senate - University of Tennessee
In this, the faculty has supported UT and TBR administrators and law enforcement professionals in arguing that armed defense on our college and university campuses is a matter best entrusted to campus and local police and that people on our campuses will all be safer if the use of deadly force is left in the hands of these law enforcement officers.
Committees 2021 – 2022 | Faculty Senate - University of Tennessee
Both long-range and short-term aspects of its role will receive the committee’s attention, including budget priorities, THEC formulas, and planning for projects of The University of Tennessee or other entities that may eventually result in changes to campus facilities.
At UT Knoxville we: • Empower learners of all ages and backgrounds to achieve their dreams through accessible and affordable education; • Advance the prosperity, well-being, and vitality of communities across Tennessee and around the world through our research, teaching, service, and engagement; and
May 15, 2020 · Faculty Senate of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville Revised [May 4, 2020] ARTICLE I. Powers and Duties of the Faculty Senate. Section 1. The Faculty Senate of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (the “Faculty Senate”) shall have those powers and duties which have been, and which may be,
Resolutions 2021 – 2022 | Faculty Senate - University of Tennessee
Sep 20, 2021 · WHEREAS the University of Tennessee, Knoxville has mandated a return to full-capacity inperson teaching during Fall 2021; and WHEREAS physical distancing in classrooms is not possible; and WHEREAS the vaccination status of the campus population is not known; and
Tennessee have risen by $629 between January 2021 and November 2022. In contrast, even a 10% pay increase for the lowest paid faculty members amounts to only about $400 a year.
The University of Tennessee. Knoxville, Tennessee. https://senate.utk.edu/ Four Agreements of Courageous Conversations. Here are four recommendations for conducting meaningful and beneficial conversations on difficult social topics. 1. Stay Engaged.